Parsing error appeared after firmware update

Basic Information:

MCU / Printerboard: cxy-v6-191121
klippy (1).log (1.7 KB)

After updating Klipper via Fluid/system/updates, I get a weird parsing error that was not there before. Can anybody help me resolve this?
The error is related to the PFPTouch sensor I printed and installedPFPTouch

I am also having issues with temperature configuration on the Triangle labs Volcano hotend I installed. After some tinkering, I discovered that at normal temperatures this sensor reads over 500°.

Please attach your printer.cfg

Sorry, I thought that was included the clippy log. Here you go.

Here is the error I get.

File contains parsing errors: /home/pi/klipper_config/printer.cfg
[line 195]: ‘G4 P300\n’

printerCFG.cfg (3.6 KB)


Correct this misplaced indention


Add the missing indention on the marked items

Yes, you are right, but in case of a parsing error, we need to see the original file to assess which might cause a parsing error.

Thanks by the way. This worked for me.

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