Sorry for necroing this thread. But I was inspired by what @kins did with ChatGPT, so I used AI to help me write a script which automates the calibrations and the interpolation. So far, it’s working well for me. Please let me know what you think. Here it is:
import time
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
import csv
import subprocess
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import math
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
from datetime import datetime
home = Path.home()
# Function to read and update the PID calibration file
def update_pid_calibrate_file(old_delta, new_delta):
with open(home / 'klipper/klippy/extras/', 'r') as file:
filedata =
filedata = filedata.replace(f'TUNE_PID_DELTA = {old_delta}', f'TUNE_PID_DELTA = {new_delta}')
with open(home / 'klipper/klippy/extras/', 'w') as file:
# Function to restart Klipper using systemctl
def restart_klipper():["sudo", "systemctl", "restart", "klipper"], check=True)
# Function to wait for the log entry to start with "Stats "
def wait_for_stats_entry():
log_file_path = home / 'printer_data/logs/klippy.log'
target_string = "Stats "
print("Waiting for Klipper to finish restarting...")
time.sleep(10) # Add delay to wait for klippy to start logging
while True:
with open(log_file_path, 'r') as log_file:
lines = log_file.readlines()
if lines:
# print(f"Current last line: {lines[-1].strip()}") # Debug print statement
if lines[-1].startswith(target_string):
time.sleep(1) # Wait a bit before checking again
# Function to append command to klippy.serial
def send_calibrate_command(delta, heater, target):
with open(home / 'printer_data/comms/klippy.serial', 'a') as myFile:
print(f"PID_CALIBRATE HEATER={heater} TARGET={target} WRITE_FILE=1", file=myFile)
print(f"Sent calibration command for {heater} with target {target} and delta {delta}")
# Function to wait for the log entry
def wait_for_log_entry(heater):
log_file_path = home / 'printer_data/logs/klippy.log'
target_string = f"save_config: set [{heater}] pid_Kd ="
print("Waiting for calibration to complete...")
while True:
with open(log_file_path, 'r') as log_file:
lines = log_file.readlines()[-15:] # Get the last 15 lines
for line in reversed(lines):
if line.startswith(target_string):
# Calibration completed, now find the last Autotune line
for line in reversed(lines):
if line.startswith("Autotune: raw"):
_, _, Ku_str, Tu_str, *rest = line.split()
Ku = float(Ku_str.split('=')[1])
Tu = float(Tu_str.split('=')[1])
return Ku, Tu
return None # If no Autotune line found, return None
time.sleep(1) # Wait a short time before checking again
# Function to copy and parse the output file
def process_output_file(delta, heater, target):
timestamp ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
source_file = Path('/tmp/heattest.txt')
destination_dir = home / 'PID' / 'Raw_Data'
destination_file = destination_dir / f'heattest_{heater}_{target}_{delta}_{timestamp}.txt'
print(f"Copying output file for delta {delta}...")
destination_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
shutil.copy(source_file, destination_file)
# Parse the output file
with open(destination_file, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
# Filter out lines that start with 'pwm:'
filtered_lines = [line for line in lines if not line.startswith('pwm:')]
# Write the filtered data to a new CSV file
csv_file = destination_dir / f'parsed_heattest_{heater}_{target}_{delta}_{timestamp}.csv'
print(f"Parsing output file for delta {delta}...")
with open(csv_file, 'w', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
writer.writerow(['Time', 'Temperature']) # Write the header
for line in filtered_lines:
time, temp = line.strip().split()
writer.writerow([time, temp])
return csv_file # Return CSV file path for further processing
# Function to find ultimate period Tu
def calculate_Tu(time, temp):
peaks, _ = find_peaks(temp,prominence=1)
peak_times = time[peaks[1:]] # Ignore the first peak
Tu = np.diff(peak_times).mean() # Average period between peaks
return Tu, temp[peaks[1:]]
# Function to calculate amplitude
def calculate_amplitude(temp):
peaks, _ = find_peaks(temp,prominence=1)
valleys, _ = find_peaks(-temp,prominence=1)
# Ensure equal number of peaks and valleys
num_cycles = min(len(peaks), len(valleys)) - 1
peaks = peaks[1:]
valleys = valleys[1:]
# Create new lists with sequential indexing
sequential_peaks = []
sequential_valleys = []
for i in range(num_cycles):
amplitudes = []
for i in range(num_cycles):
amplitude = (sequential_peaks[i] - sequential_valleys[i]) / 2
average_amplitude = sum(amplitudes) / len(amplitudes)
return average_amplitude
# Function to calculate ultimate gain Ku
def calculate_Ku(amplitude, max_power):
return 4.0 * max_power / (math.pi * amplitude)
# Function to interpolate values
def interpolate(x1, y1, x2, y2, x):
return y1 + (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (x - x1)
# Function to calculate PID parameters based on various tuning rules
def calculate_pid_parameters(Ku, Tu, rule):
if rule == "Classic Ziegler-Nichols":
Kp = 0.6 * Ku * 255
Ti = 0.5 * Tu
Td = 0.125 * Tu
elif rule == "Pessen Integral Rule":
Kp = 0.7 * Ku * 255
Ti = 0.4 * Tu
Td = 0.15 * Tu
elif rule == "Some Overshoot":
Kp = 0.33 * Ku * 255
Ti = 0.5 * Tu
Td = 0.33 * Tu
elif rule == "No Overshoot":
Kp = 0.2 * Ku * 255
Ti = 0.5 * Tu
Td = 0.33 * Tu
raise ValueError("Unknown rule")
Ki = Kp / Ti
Kd = Kp * Td
return Kp, Ki, Kd
print("\nPID Calibration Menu:")
print("1. Calibrate Extruder")
print("2. Calibrate Bed")
print("3. Exit")
while True:
choice = input("Enter your choice (1/2/3, press Enter for Extruder): ")
if choice == '1' or choice == '':
heater = "extruder"
while True:
target_temp = int(input("Enter target temperature (default 250): ") or 250)
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input. Please enter an integer value for the target temperature.")
elif choice == '2':
heater = "heater_bed"
while True:
target_temp = int(input("Enter target temperature (default 100): ") or 100)
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input. Please enter an integer value for the target temperature.")
elif choice == '3':
print("Invalid choice. Please try again.")
while True:
show_self_calculated = (input("Do you want to see self-calculated values? (y/N): ") or "n")
if show_self_calculated.lower() in ["yes", "y"]:
show_self_calculated = True
elif show_self_calculated.lower() in ["no", "n"]:
show_self_calculated = False
raise ValueError("Invalid input. Please enter 'y' or 'n'.")
except ValueError as e:
while True:
max_power = float(input("Enter maximum power (default 1.0): ") or 1.0)
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input. Please enter a float value for maximum power.")
while True:
first_delta = float(input("Enter first delta value (default 2.5): ") or 2.5)
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input. Please enter a float value for the first delta.")
while True:
second_delta = float(input("Enter second delta value (default 5.0, 0 to skip): ") or 5.0)
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input. Please enter a float value for the second delta.")
# First run for first_delta
print(f"\nStarting first calibration run with TUNE_PID_DELTA = {first_delta}")
update_pid_calibrate_file(5.0, first_delta)
send_calibrate_command(first_delta, heater, target_temp)
Ku_log_first, Tu_log_first = wait_for_log_entry(heater)
csv_file_first = process_output_file(first_delta, heater, target_temp)
# Only run second calibration if second_delta is not 0
if second_delta != 0:
print(f"\nStarting second calibration run with TUNE_PID_DELTA = {second_delta}")
update_pid_calibrate_file(first_delta, second_delta)
print("Waiting 1 minute for heater to cool down")
send_calibrate_command(second_delta, heater, target_temp)
Ku_log_second, Tu_log_second = wait_for_log_entry(heater)
csv_file_second = process_output_file(second_delta, heater, target_temp)
csv_file_second = None
# Restore the PID calibration file to original value
update_pid_calibrate_file(second_delta if second_delta != 0 else first_delta, 5.0)
# Load the parsed CSV data
data_first = pd.read_csv(csv_file_first)
# Calculate Tu and amplitude for the first dataset
Tu_first, peaks_first = calculate_Tu(data_first['Time'], data_first['Temperature'])
amplitude_first = calculate_amplitude(data_first['Temperature'])
valleys_f, _ = find_peaks(-data_first['Temperature'], prominence=1)
valleys_first = data_first['Temperature'][valleys_f[1:]]
# Calculate ultimate gain Ku for the first dataset
Ku_first = calculate_Ku(amplitude_first, max_power)
# Define the tuning rules
rules = ["Classic Ziegler-Nichols", "Pessen Integral Rule", "Some Overshoot", "No Overshoot"]
# Prepare to write results to a text file
timestamp ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
results_file = home / f'PID/results_{heater}_{target_temp}_{timestamp}.txt'
with open(results_file, 'w') as file:
file.write(f'Target Temperature: {target_temp}\n') # Record the target temperature
# Klipper based calculations for the first delta
if Ku_log_first is not None and Tu_log_first is not None:
print("\n\033[91mKlipper Based Calculations:\033[0m")
print(f'\n\033[91mTune PID Delta={first_delta}:\033[0m')
with open(results_file, 'a') as file:
file.write(f'\nTune PID Delta={first_delta}:\n')
file.write(f'Klipper Period Tu={Tu_log_first}\n')
file.write(f'Klipper Gain Ku={Ku_log_first}\n')
for rule in rules:
Kp, Ki, Kd = calculate_pid_parameters(Ku_log_first, Tu_log_first, rule)
pid_output = f"#*# [{heater}]\n#*# control = pid\n#*# pid_kp = {Kp:.3f}\n#*# pid_ki = {Ki:.3f}\n#*# pid_kd = {Kd:.3f}"
print(f'\033[93m{rule}\033[0m PID parameters:')
file.write(f'{rule} PID parameters:\n')
# Only calculate and print interpolated PID parameters if second_delta is not 0
if second_delta != 0 and Ku_log_second is not None and Tu_log_second is not None:
print(f'\n\033[91mTune PID Delta={second_delta}:\033[0m')
with open(results_file, 'a') as file:
file.write(f'\nTune PID Delta={second_delta}:\n')
file.write(f'Klipper Period Tu={Tu_log_second}\n')
file.write(f'Klipper Gain Ku={Ku_log_second}\n')
for rule in rules:
Kp, Ki, Kd = calculate_pid_parameters(Ku_log_second, Tu_log_second, rule)
pid_output = f"#*# [{heater}]\n#*# control = pid\n#*# pid_kp = {Kp:.3f}\n#*# pid_ki = {Ki:.3f}\n#*# pid_kd = {Kd:.3f}"
print(f'\033[93m{rule}\033[0m PID parameters:')
file.write(f'{rule} PID parameters:\n')
print(f'\n\033[91mInterpolated\033[0m PID parameters for \033[91mTUNE_PID_DELTA=0.0:\033[0m')
with open(results_file, 'a') as file:
file.write(f'\nInterpolated PID parameters for TUNE_PID_DELTA=0.0:\n')
for rule in rules:
# Interpolate Ku and Tu
Ku_0 = interpolate(second_delta, Ku_log_second, first_delta, Ku_log_first, 0.0)
Tu_0 = interpolate(second_delta, Tu_log_second, first_delta, Tu_log_first, 0.0)
# Calculate final PID parameters using interpolated Ku and Tu
Kp_0, Ki_0, Kd_0 = calculate_pid_parameters(Ku_0, Tu_0, rule)
print(f'\033[93m{rule}\033[0m PID parameters:')
pid_output = f"#*# [{heater}]\n#*# control = pid\n#*# pid_kp = {Kp_0:.3f}\n#*# pid_ki = {Ki_0:.3f}\n#*# pid_kd = {Kd_0:.3f}"
file.write(f'{rule} PID parameters:\n')
if show_self_calculated:
# Calculate and print PID parameters for each tuning rule and the first dataset
print('\n\033[91mSELF-CALCULATED VALUES:\033[0m')
print(f'\n\033[91mTune PID Delta={first_delta}:\033[0m')
print(f'Peak values: {peaks_first.tolist()}')
print(f'Valley values: {valleys_first.tolist()}')
print(f'Max peak value: {max(peaks_first)}')
print(f'Min valley value: {min(valleys_first)}')
print(f'Amplitude: {amplitude_first}')
print(f'Ultimate Period Tu={Tu_first}')
print(f'Ultimate Gain Ku={Ku_first}')
with open(results_file, 'a') as file:
file.write('\nSELF-CALCULATED VALUES:\n')
file.write(f'\nTune PID Delta={first_delta}:\n')
file.write(f'Peak values: {peaks_first.tolist()}\n')
file.write(f'Valley values: {valleys_first.tolist()}\n')
file.write(f'Max peak value: {max(peaks_first)}\n')
file.write(f'Min valley value: {min(valleys_first)}\n')
file.write(f'Amplitude: {amplitude_first}\n')
file.write(f'Ultimate Period Tu={Tu_first}\n')
file.write(f'Ultimate Gain Ku={Ku_first}\n')
for rule in rules:
Kp, Ki, Kd = calculate_pid_parameters(Ku_first, Tu_first, rule)
pid_output = f"#*# [{heater}]\n#*# control = pid\n#*# pid_kp = {Kp:.3f}\n#*# pid_ki = {Ki:.3f}\n#*# pid_kd = {Kd:.3f}"
print(f'\033[93m{rule}\033[0m PID parameters:')
file.write(f'{rule} PID parameters:\n')
# Only calculate and print interpolated PID parameters if second_delta is not 0
if second_delta != 0:
# Load the second parsed CSV data
data_second = pd.read_csv(csv_file_second)
# Calculate Tu and amplitude for the second dataset
Tu_second, peaks_second = calculate_Tu(data_second['Time'], data_second['Temperature'])
amplitude_second = calculate_amplitude(data_second['Temperature'])
# Calculate ultimate gain Ku for the second dataset
Ku_second = calculate_Ku(amplitude_second, max_power)
# Define valleys_second
valleys_s, _ = find_peaks(-data_second['Temperature'], prominence=1)
valleys_second = data_second['Temperature'][valleys_s[1:]]
print(f'\n\033[91mTune PID Delta={second_delta}:\033[0m')
print(f'Peak values: {peaks_second.tolist()}')
print(f'Valley values: {valleys_second.tolist()}')
print(f'Max peak value: {max(peaks_second)}')
print(f'Min valley value: {min(valleys_second)}')
print(f'Amplitude: {amplitude_second}')
print(f'Ultimate Period Tu={Tu_second}')
print(f'Ultimate Gain Ku={Ku_second}')
with open(results_file, 'a') as file:
file.write(f'\nTune PID Delta={second_delta}:\n')
file.write(f'Peak values: {peaks_second.tolist()}\n')
file.write(f'Valley values: {valleys_second.tolist()}\n')
file.write(f'Max peak value: {max(peaks_second)}\n')
file.write(f'Min valley value: {min(valleys_second)}\n')
file.write(f'Amplitude: {amplitude_second}\n')
file.write(f'Ultimate Period Tu={Tu_second}\n')
file.write(f'Ultimate Gain Ku={Ku_second}\n')
for rule in rules:
Kp, Ki, Kd = calculate_pid_parameters(Ku_second, Tu_second, rule)
pid_output = f"#*# [{heater}]\n#*# control = pid\n#*# pid_kp = {Kp:.3f}\n#*# pid_ki = {Ki:.3f}\n#*# pid_kd = {Kd:.3f}"
print(f'\033[93m{rule}\033[0m PID parameters:')
file.write(f'{rule} PID parameters:\n')
print(f'\n\033[91mInterpolated\033[0m PID parameters for \033[91mTUNE_PID_DELTA=0.0:\033[0m')
with open(results_file, 'a') as file:
file.write(f'\nInterpolated PID parameters for TUNE_PID_DELTA=0.0:\n')
for rule in rules:
# Interpolate Ku and Tu
Ku_0 = interpolate(second_delta, Ku_second, first_delta, Ku_first, 0.0)
Tu_0 = interpolate(second_delta, Tu_second, first_delta, Tu_first, 0.0)
# Calculate final PID parameters using interpolated Ku and Tu
Kp_0, Ki_0, Kd_0 = calculate_pid_parameters(Ku_0, Tu_0, rule)
print(f'\033[93m{rule}\033[0m PID parameters:')
pid_output = f"#*# [{heater}]\n#*# control = pid\n#*# pid_kp = {Kp_0:.3f}\n#*# pid_ki = {Ki_0:.3f}\n#*# pid_kd = {Kd_0:.3f}"
file.write(f'{rule} PID parameters:\n')
print(f"Results written to {results_file}")
You might have to install pandas to run the script
pip3 install pandas
I also modified my system to allow the user “pi” to run the command “sudo systemctl restart klipper” without requiring a password in order to automate the whole process. But that’s optional.