Pin 'PE_5' is not a valid pin name on mcu 'mcu' Error when configuring BL_Toutch

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3 Pro
MCU / Printerboard: SKR2
Host / SBC Raspberry Pi 4
klippy.log klippy(1).log (1.2 MB)

Describe your issue:

Hi i just switched from Marlin to Klipper and everything is starting to work step by step, but when configuring the BLTouch im running into the Error:
Pin ‘PE_5’ is not a valid pin name on mcu ‘mcu’

PE_5 is set as the BLtouch servo pin in the BTT documentation, and also exists in the STM32F429 documentation. is there a mistake in the makeconfig settings?
after trying and googling for 3 hours im stumped and glad for any help.

Hello @DeathsmileZ !

Pin names do not have an underscore.

Try PE5 instead of PE_5.

Also check the other pin name PE_4

Just have a look on the other pin names in the config…

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I feel very stupid after that, i think i tried it without the underline on PE5 but left it in with PE4 and the error changed but i didnt check.
it works now :slight_smile:


Great! Have fun with Klipper!