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MCU / Printerboard:
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Describe your issue:
two trees sapphire 5
robin_nano-V3.1, stm407 mcu
steel nozzle, tight .4mm
Extruder way out of calibration at default 33.xxxx
I just started another relative small 2 hour print after setting the rotation_distance to 10.5 and then dialing octoprint down to 85% which is looking decent. This is not the main problem however, frozen hotend is turning rapidly into a pita.
And a klipper safety feature, the max_extrusion of 50mm is getting in the way of an idea.
I’d like to pull back 150mm at job end, and restore 151mm at job start, but klipper does not allow that.
The idea is to end a job with enough retraction to get the hot end of the filament pulled 30mm up out of the heat break into cooler bowden tube quickly, then an additional 18mm slowly to keep it from sticking to the innards of the tube. Serialization enforced with M400’s.
Then an indeterminate time later, a new job is started, it waits for temps, homes all, set a 20mm bed clearance is callled for followed by an M400, then a 49 mm extrusion is done, 1 more than retracted to reprime the nozzle to lay down the test line. This is also followed by an M400, then the move to the starting test line is done.
Does anyone think this might be helpful with a constantly frozen hotend?