I’m using the latest version 3.0.9. Unfortunately, your last solution is still not working for me. I prefer patching. The main app does not need camera access at all. AC may want to video spy us with this constant connection to their cloud. I don’t need that.
It needed just this:
sed -i ‘s/video4linux/videoXlinux/g’ /app/app && sync && reboot
and now all is working, no more camera icon on the top right corner of the screen, no more cloud <> video communication.
Under auto detect a camera I mean something like this:
# Function to continuously capture images
def capture_images():
while True:
# Capture an image to a temporary file
subprocess.run(["rm", "-f", TEMP_IMAGE_PATH])
subprocess.run(["fswebcam", "--no-banner", "-r", "1024x576", TEMP_IMAGE_PATH])
# Atomically move the temporary file to the target file
time.sleep(2) # Wait for 2 second before capturing the next image
print("Couldn't connect to the camera!")
It is waiting for a camera, if present start generating images, if disconnected wait for connection and recover. In the exept we can add also:
to show a default image on the web interface that the camera is disconnected, not the latest taken image which is no longer valid.