Kobra 2 Pro Download/Upload Config

[Printer Model: Kobra 2 Pro

I tried to use the download cfg gcode and it is not putting the file onto my USB. My printer is running the v3.0.5 firmware and has not been modified at all.

Are there steps I need to take to be able for this to work?

Hello @Dutlin !

Sorry, I can’t follow.

What cfg code?

From where?

What is it?

What Firmware?

Klipper is version 0.12.0

You also may read here: 3D Printers with Preinstalled and Modified Klipper Versions

Link here to forum post with more info on the Anycubic kobra 2 work.

The firmware for the kobra 2 pro is locked down and they managed to find a way to pull the config file and also rewrite it. This is the only way to modify the modified klipper settings on this printer.

The files linked are supposed to when run download the printer.cfg file onto the USB so that it can be read/modified.