Trying to make a config for the Anycubic Kobra which has 3 TMC2209 and 1 TMC2208

Hi, so I’ve been trying to make a config for the Anycubic Kobra and I can’t get it to work because they made weird stuff on their motherboard

Here is the config: [stepper_x]step_pin: PA5dir_pin: PA4enable_pin: !PC3microsteps: 16rota -
Here is their Marlin source code: ANYCUBIC-3D/Kobra (

And here are all the information I have:

  • In pins_AC_TRI_F1_V1.h in the source code you can find the USARTS at the bottom and all the pinout
  • In Configuration_adv.h in the source code you can find the addresses they use line 2514
  • A guy on Reddit said: 1. “3 TMC2209 (X=0, Y=1, Z=2 addr) and one 2208 (E0 and it’s without addr) on same UART The thing is it causes Klipper to not work because X and E are on the same address”
  • He also said he was able to make it work doing this: “I’ve removed R65 and made wire to C65 (+5v) so new adr for X got 3 and it worked like a charm.”
  • If I set the extruder to TMC 2208 on address 0 I can make it move (before Marlin stops the printer because it cannot communicate with the motor)
  • If I set the X to address 0 it also works before Marlin stops the printer

For now I’m stuck, I have no idea how I can make this work, considering it works on Marlin

Thanks in advance!

Hi, felly Kobra user here. There’s another reddit post in the same sub where you found your information that talks in more detail about whats going on:

[Anycubic] used 3 TMC2209 clones and 1 TMC2208 for extruder on one UART. And they don’t know that 2208 has adr 0, so they used adr 0 for X also. Only way to fix it - resolder R65 to R66 place (see pic - delete R65 and solder it to R66)

This is similar to the information you posted, but on that link there’s a diagram and several people who are discussing details involved. I haven’t done the deed yet, but I’m looking forward to klipperizing.

Hey! Thank you for your answer, I tried this back then but I did something wrong and killed the motherboard. So I bought and SKR 3 EZ and got no issues ever since