Printer shuts down after starting a print

Basic Information:

Printer Model: mp select mini v1
MCU / Printerboard: skr mini e3 v3
Host / SBC: rpi 3b
klippy.log (842.6 KB)

Describe your issue:

I revived an mp select v1 and replaced its motherboard. Heating and motors work just fine but shortly after I start printing, the mcu seems to shutdown/lose connection to the rpi.

I’m unsure of what the cause is.
I tried replacing the usb cable and reflashing the firmware but this doesn’t seem to help.
I suspected that maybe the power supply was the problem since I connected the rpi to the printer’s power with a buck converter. So I connected the rpi to a separate power supply but that still made no difference.
The psu is 10 amp 12 v. I suspect that maybe it might still be the problem since it’s one I bought from aliexpress and it feels kinda cheap, however I don’t have access to a better one for now.

Any idea what else I should look at? thanks in advance!

See Timeout with MCU / Lost communication with MCU

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