how is it possible to get the status of the probe into a module? I have now tried to search it and look in other modules but i couln’t find it. If someone could help me i would be very greatfull.
how is it possible to get the status of the probe into a module? I have now tried to search it and look in other modules but i couln’t find it. If someone could help me i would be very greatfull.
Can you explain what you mean by “probe status”?
If the probe is triggerd or open. If i use the get_status from the probe.py i get the only the status of the last query_probe. i would ned to start the cmd_QUERY_PROBE command but i don’t get it to work.
So there is no real time status. Because the Host and the MCU are on a communications delay you can’t get a live/instant view of the probes trigger state.
You can query the probe and sometimes this is good enough for some applications. For actual probing the probe on the MCU reports the time when it went from not triggered to triggered.
What are you trying to do with the state of the probe?
I want to move my z axis down until the probe gets attached to the toolhead.
I don’t able to home Z before so i need to attach the probe first and then home.
I got it working with Query_Probe. Is rhere a downside to this like a delay or something?
There is some delay. Running PROBE moves down in Z until the probe is triggered. But you need to home first.
You mean the cmd_probe? If i run that in my pthon script it will lower until the probe triggers?