I will describe the problems I encountered after switching to the new Klipper version 0.12.
My config:
Voron V2R4 350x350 LDO,
Neopixel chamber,
BARF neopixel stealthburner,
BTT Manta M8P ( mcu CANbus connection)+CB1,
BTT EBBcan SB2209 STM32G0 mcu (CAN connection),
Flashing mcu Manta M8P is not possible via CanBoot, CB1 does not see mcu even if stop Klipper services.
communication breakdown with mcu and EBBcan during printing randoml - Timer too close.
What I did in order:
Flashing mcu Manta M8P via microSD
After flashing mcu Manta M8P to version 0.12, you need turn on the printer, go to SSH terminal, stop Klipper services, press RST button on EBBcan board, then you can reflash the Stealthburner board via CanBoot
After switching to version 0.12, I faced the problem of randomly communication failure with mcu and there was no particular pattern or any clues in the Klipper log file. Only one thing was confusing - high load of EBBcan compared to mcu. After digging through the whole 30Mb log file I noticed the neopixel Led-effect warning. I decided to disable BARF on my Stealthburner. After disabling it, EBBcan load became the same as mcu load. Random failure “timer too close” went away.
Bottom line: Everything works except BARF neopixel Led-effect. Very inconvenient upgrade, so if you decide to upgrade to clipper version 0.12 make sure you have access to the board to reflash the mcu via microSD.
Post scriptum: I ask developers to think about new bootloader for CAN, also I recommend to go to CYPHAL and Kocherga - very interesting projects and no timer too close problem.
Hey, everybody!
My actions with BARF and neopixel did not help. After 5 hours of printing again failure. This failure used to happen after 30-40 minutes.
Before upgrading the whole system I was running only on v0.10 with no crashes and decided to finally upgrade. Better not do it