Project Laser with Klipper

I start with my Projekt Core XY Laaser with Klipper FW. I use the design from a Voron trident without Z axis. The hardware works fine and the Laser Modul also works for short time. First my Hardware Config.

Core xy
BTT Pico Board
Raspbi Zero
12v Power supply
Laser modul now from atomstack a 5w output. (for the first try outs)
Mainsail as klipper system

I want solve this probleme
Delete Hotbed with thermistors
Delete Hotend with thermistors
Deaktivate the z axis (now i make a virtual endstop)
after i start the laser programm comes this fault

MCU ‘mcu’ shutdown: Scheduled pwm event will exceed max_duration
Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the
“FIRMWARE_RESTART” command to reset the firmware, reload the
config, and restart the host software.
Printer is shutdown

Is there anybody who have a running laser with klipper?
In the next steps i want implement a Turn unit and a Z axis for automatic focus.


See [Testers wanted] Laser Support - Fast PWM Updates

From :

Setting a maximum_mcu_duration will _not_ yet split long running moves [in high_throughput_mode].

So you either have to increase the maximum_mcu_duration to some sensible high value that you expect that a single move will maximally take, or disable the check with maximum_mcu_duration: 0 in your config.