(Purchase Advice) Looking for Hardware

Hi Community !
New to Klipper, not new on 3D printing. Did already some rebuilds but not on Klipper.
Looking for the MB and Display.
I want to find the MB that brings out the best of Klipper, Display big enough to be used per touch.
The printer which will get is a Tronxy 500, already optimized on mechanic and 12mm belt.
x and y working on both belts, x running means 45° of hotend, y has 2 stepper
will not convert to 2 hotends
Option are bigger stepper motors.

Could you please help me, what are the specifics to find it?
Best speed, no drivers on board - pluggable
What about Fysetc Spider (STM32F446) ?


Spider is a nice board. You will not max out the board’s capabilities with Klipper anyway.

For touch screen you would have to resort to Klipper Screen. See KlipperScreen - Klipper

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Is it overkill? what would be a good cheaper choice with all of the beneftis from klipper for this printer?
2209 steppers plugable

Well, according to your spec you will need 5 drivers. Spider has 8, so you might consider it update proof :crazy_face:

The Fysetc S6 is running in one of my printers and I’m very happy with the board. 6 drivers and lot of additional options for fans etc. You could use the 6th slot for a MAX31864 board → Voron-Hardware/PT100Stick at master · VoronDesign/Voron-Hardware · GitHub
Also have a BTT SKR 1.4T which is working fine as well.

Do not know what Max, PT100Stick, SKR is, could you enlighten me pls.

You can use a driver socket to install a MAX31864 board, which allows very precise temperature measurements with a PT100 temperature probe, e.g. PT100 Stepstick by LDO - Unique Prints

BTT SKR 1.4 Turbo is a budget board with 5 driver slots. Works very reliably for me, but it seems that it has been replaced by the SKR 2 board. Cannot comment on this one but it had a bad start and is about the same price range as the Fysetc S6 so I’d rather choose this.

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OK, the Spider would be better with the MAX boards to use driver slots for hotend and bed temp.
thats good.