Raise 3D Pro2 - config

Dear all Raise3D Pro2 users!

At the company I work currently we have a Raise3D Pro2. I had to work with that printer, and it’s quiet apparent, that the stock firmware is pretty limited.

Sadly there is no schematic available for the motion control board of the Pro 2.

However, with some reverse enginnering I managed make it work. Here is the config I figured out. Most of the I/Os are mapped. It’s not perfect, but works with limitations above.
printer_pro2.cfg (5.6 KB)

Right now I have 3 issues.

  • I can’t make the onboard ST820 extruder drivers work. I suspect there is a PWM output for those to set up the run current, but I can’t trace it back. Step/dir/enable pins are traced back, so I used external drivers for replacement.
  • At the end of the print when printer tries to home, There is a “timer too close” error
  • Prints are skewed by the Y axis with like -5 degrees.
    The last two can be either an issue of the timer, or some I/Os are not configured properly. I saw an oscillator on bard and it looked like 12MHz oscillators but I may made a mistake here. I’m not an expert in this so if someone can confirm it, could help to solve these errors.

I also made some research on the display board, It’s an Advantech RSB-4411 SBC with some cuts to make it cheaper. The good news is that you can find precompiled debian images to this board here Dropbox link It’s fairly easy to falsh it to the eMMC on board. You need an SD, then need to connect to a debug serial board on board, and issue a few commads. You can find instructions in the user guide.
I haven’t done this yet, becasuse I dont have connector/cable to the debug port. Also Debian 8.4 is the latest build, I dont kmow if klipper works with it or not.

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Interesting printer. Quite expensive.

I did a quick www research concerning your Raise3D Pro2 and stumbled over this Raise3d Pro2 Hyperspeed Upgrade Testphase (kostenlos?) - Raise3D - 3D-Druck Forum.

But it’s “old” and in German. Apr 7th 2023.

If you can’t download that Klipper config, I would address that to RAISE3D support.

Good luck, hcet14

I also think RAISE3D is violating the Klipper license.

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You can unpack the file (twice) with WinRar and you will have the complete Klipper.


What about the violation?

I’m neither the project’s owner nor able to judge if their GH repository contains all relevant changes.

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