enable_force_move: True
# I prefer not to enable this, but we need to in order to manually prevent z down crash.
# With z-hop enabled, every home attmpt drops bed 10mm.
# Combined home efforts with phase errors can lead to bed being extremly low.
# If gpio at startup is used, Firmware-Reset will clear phase errors by forcing stepper driver counts to be cleared from mcu
# This printer config file uses a modified version of example-cartesian.cfg it may be helpful to examine example-
# This cfg is intended for a Xyz Printing Inc. DaVinci 2.0A Duo 3dPrinter. (not a 2.0 Duo)
# SAFETY WARNING: The thermistors on the DaVinci have custom definintion in this config. They seem to be working but are not verified.
# the settings were obtained from the eeprom from my working printer, and from Custom Repetier .91 and .92 configuration.h files written for the DaVinci printers.
# So far so good. But again this is not for 1.0, 2.0, 1.0A, or AiO printers. If anyone needs help trying to modify for those please let me know.
#[*] Enable extra low-level configuration options
# Micro-controller Architecture (SAM3/SAM4/SAM E70 (Due and Duet)) --->
# Processor model (SAM3x8e (Arduino Due)) --->
# Communication interface (USB) --->
# USB ids --->
# GPIO pins to set at micro-controller startup
# [!PD5,!PD9,!PB4,!PB7,!PB14,!PA12,!PB12,!PA13,PD6,PA0,PB5,PB8,PB9]
# copy/paste all inside brackets [x-st,y-st,z-st,ex-st,ex2-st,bed-h,ext-h,ext2-h,x-en,y-en,z-en,ext-en,ext2-en]
# for 2.0a I added ex2-st, ext2-h, and ext2-en to this list, they are !PB14,!PB12,PB9
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