Required settings getting commented out

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Anycubic Predator highly modified
MCU / Printerboard:Manta M4P +CB1

I also need help purging my klippy.log. I cant upload it here because it is too big.

Describe your issue:

I am getting this error.

I moved all the settings from generic-bigtreetech-manta…cfg to printer.cfg - because the machine cant update and save settings if they are in a file other than printer.cfg… But now after DELTA_CALIBRATE it commented out (with #) parameters that are needed like “position_endstop”.

Now I get the Klipper ERROR:

Option ‘position_endstop’ in section ‘stepper_a’ must be specified Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the “RESTART” command to reload the config and restart the host software. Printer is halted

I am sure that it is a simple solution,but I cant figure it out, so help is needed. (1.5 MB)

Could you please share all the config files.

And the klippy.log

It is 7mb on the klipper board but 15mb after sending to my computer, and can only send 8mb here. How can i clear/delete the log and start afresh?

You can zip (compress) the files.

Done Hope this can help.

Actually, the error you mentioned in your first post does not appear in the klippy.log

printer.cfg (7.5 KB)
Adding the cfg file

And what is in


generic-bigtreetech-manta-m4p.cfg (334 Bytes)

Why are there two SAVE_CONFIG blocks in printer.cfg?

And another one at the start?

Dunno Was wondering that myself

Can I delete them? and start fresh?

I assume, Klipper takes the first one a the proper one, but there are no settings for the stepper inside and that gives the error.

That could work.
I wish you luck

Tried it. didnt work. Looks the same as before.

It actually takes the second one (as I found out the hard way).

@peter0007 I highly recommend that you eliminate any ambiguity or doubled printer.cfg parameters.

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