As in the title, I’m getting an error message that the pin for my probe is not a valid pin name. Yet none of the other GPIO pins in the config file for the SB2040 were so flagged. klippy.log (6.1 KB)
OK lets try that again. The truncated log file was all I got from the download log function on mainsail. So I plugged a flash stick into the Rpi and did it old school. klippy.log (509.8 KB)
Problem was GPIO25 (and all other rp2040 pin names) needed to be lower case. The fact that they were upper case in the Mellow-Fly documentation confused the issue for me. Second problem is that if the klipper start up fails due to config file error with the SB2040, correcting the file and doing a firmware restart doesn’t work as the SB2040 can’t be software restarted, must do a hard reset via a power cycle!
According to the Kipper documentation the default for restart method is either ‘arduino’ if communication is via serial, and ‘command’ otherwise. Since this is a CAN board, then the default would be command, and that didn’t seem to work. rpi_usb would try to power cycle the USB port to reset the device, but that won’t work since both the USB-CAN adapter and the RP2040 are powered directly from the 24v power supply.