Basic Information:
Printer Model: Homebrew coreXY, heavily based on HevOrt
MCU / Printerboard: BBT Octopus 1.1
i’m new here, this is my first topic, english is not my mother language, so I’d like to ask for your patience.
My issue started with an update of MCU Firmware, coming from v0.10.x-xx and went to v0.12.0-98. I’m on MainsailOS and performed the updating, compiling and flashing with KIAUH. It took some runs but after some fiddling it carried out and i have the same version on RPi 3 (host and mcu) and octopus board (mcu stm32f446xx).
After that the homing wasn’t possible any more. The bed (z-axis) is lowered for homing, but movement in X or Y doesn’t work out (tried to home X and Y seperately also). Console looks like:
21:23 Homing failed due to printer shutdown
21:23 Klipper state: Shutdown
21:23 G28
Error Message is:
Klipper meldet: SHUTDOWN
MCU 'mcu' shutdown: Timer too close
This often indicates the host computer is overloaded. Check
for other processes consuming excessive CPU time, high swap
usage, disk errors, overheating, unstable voltage, or
similar system problems on the host computer.
Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the
"FIRMWARE_RESTART" command to reset the firmware, reload the
config, and restart the host software.
Printer is shutdown
But the CPU on RPi and Octopus are nearly idling and everything worked fine for months with the old Klipper firmware.
Strangely most functions work: Endstops, heaters, fans are working, so is the z-axis (3-motors) and the extruder, but the Neopixels keep to be completely dark also.
So my concern is: have i missed something? Do i have to update the printer.cfg in any way to get the new Klipper version running? Is it feasable to make a downgrade, if - how?
I’m looking forward to your recommendations, since i have no Idea what happened!
Thank you in advance
Limefrog (1.3 MB)