SV06 short pauses

Hello community! :slight_smile:

I took the adventure of installing Klipper on my Sovol SV06.
On my RPi 4 I did install MainsailOS and to be honest I was surprised that most things went very well.

Although I have a problem now where I am stuck for a few days.

When I try to print models that have small cylinders in it, as far as I observed, the whole machine “pauses” for a short period of time, I think where the Z-seam is, which causes blobs.

I was reading around and all I could find are problems in combination with Octoprint and there is the fix to use the virtual SD card mode.
As Mainsail already does that I don’t know where else to look.

One more thing is that when I set the speed factor in Mainsail for example to 30% it obviously prints much slower but the “pauses” don’t last longer.

Suddenly I don’t have the whole klippy.log right now but there are no entries at the time of pausing (every few seconds).
Of course I can get it in the evening if it would help

Thank you already for any hints :slight_smile:

Hello @avgprinterguy !

We very much appreciate. :wink:

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are you using cura 5.3.0?

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I am using Superslicer/Prusaslicer with same results on both.
I even stumbled around that Cura issue on Github while searching :smiley:

Just curious, can it be a gCode problem (apart from the Cura issue) when the pause/hang duration is unaffected from setting lower speed factor in Mainsail?

I just found the gCode file that gave this problem (attached).
Nevertheless I will get the klippy.log in the evening.
sword-test-print_0.2mm_PLA_MK3S_10m.gcode (1.1 MB)

Got the log now :slight_smile:
klippy.log (913.8 KB)

First, you may lower the run_current for the Z and Y steppers:

TMC 'stepper_z' reports DRV_STATUS: 80170101 otpw=1(OvertempWarning!) t120=1 cs_actual=23 stst=1
TMC 'stepper_y' reports DRV_STATUS: 80150101 otpw=1(OvertempWarning!) t120=1 cs_actual=21 stst=1

And there is this:

b'Got EOF when reading from device'

More on this here:

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Thank you for your analysis!
But why is the log not flooded with either of those errors when the stuttering happens every few seconds?