Switch the mode of the TMC driver in printing

Is there a way to switch the mode of the TMC driver in printing? (stealthChop and spreadCycle).I often let the printer work from day to night, but at night, the sound of the motor is relatively loud. I hope that when I sleep at night, the printer can slow down and switch to the spreadCycle mode. Is there a way to do this?

Pardon, I didn’t get the requirement. If you are fine with stealth chop at night, why you can’t use it as default? … anyway …
This will also not answer your question but I’m running a pretty low noise spreadcycle config from the suggestions from the tmc_driver doc, have you also tried this?

Yes, it is possible, see: Change hybrid treshold online

Word of warning:

  • It has been found that stealthChop introduces quite some accuracy errors
  • That switching stealthChop and spreadCycle is even worse

See TMC drivers - Klipper documentation

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Thanks, I’ll try it.

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