Temperature oscilates at room temperature

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Custom
MCU / Printerboard: Octopus Pro H723

Hi friends!
Have you ever seen a temperatures graph like this? Hotend and Bed are not being powered, it just oscillates like this at room temperature.

Don’t know what to check, :man_shrugging: electrical interference maybe?. Any help is welcome!

klippy.log (45.3 KB)

What thermistors are used and how is everything connected?
The custom printer implies potential issues.

Hi there, it’s a PT1000 on a Goliath Hotend, and the bed is a Keenovo thermistor.

Everything is grounded,

I tried 3x pt1000, all with same results. the strange part is that all temperature sensor oscillate.

i can give more info if it helps you help me, what should i check?

Thank you for the reply

What exactly is grounded?
Is this an AC bed with SSR?
Is both oscillating if only one is connected at a time?

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