TH3D EZBOARD V2.0 pins

I have been using Klipper some some time on my Creality Ender3 pro. I have just installed a TH3D EZBOARD V2.0. Klipper has a config file for the V1 lite board but it doesn’t seem to work at all for the V2.0 board. Does anyone know the proper pin call outs to use. TH3D has been uncharacteristically unhelpful. They seem to be denying the existence of Klipper!

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I wish I have a V2.0 as well but until my 2.2 board goes it will stay in the box.

TH3D EZBoard v2 Marlin Firmware

See Firmware\Marlin\src\pins\stm32f4\pins_TH3D_EZBOARD_V2.h