Ender 3 Pro 4.2.2 Board BL Touch

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ender 3 Pro
MCU / Printerboard: Creality 4.2.2

printer.cfg (4.8 KB)

Hello, I’m trying to get my klipper working but with no acceptable results… Probe is not stopping Z axis from homing… (Works fine with marlin…) I’ve tried everything… I don’t know what else to try… Pins are right accoring to all documentation i’ve found

Hello @Avasty !

Please provide the klippy.log

klippy.log (133.9 KB)

Thank you!

Do you have a genuine BTtouch ore a clone?

You may read this:


I have clone but i tried those settings… Nothing…

I am having same issue, tried everthing the BLTouch.html said, Ender 3 with 4.2.2 board (F103) ANTCLABs BLTouch. , tried using the z endswitch (sensor_pin: ^PA7) with or without pullup) and tried using all 5 pin connector (sensor_pin: ^PB1 ,control_pin: PB0) gives me ‘BLTouch failed to verify sensor state’

Any news? Is there a working config.