TMC2225 URT mode on BTT Tango V1.0

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Tronxy X5SA Pro
MCU / Printerboard: bigtreetech Tango v1.0
Host / SBC Rasberry Pi.
klippy.log (6.5 MB)
My stepper Drivers

Describe your issue:

Is there a way to make these steppers work in URT mode on this board? I tried taking out the jumpers underneath and jumping the URT pins to some unused pins on the board and changing my config to make that work, but either those pins do not work with URT mode or I did something wrong with my settings. Can anybody look this over and help me work through this?

Are you asking about “UART mode”? I’ve never heard of “URT mode”.

Regardless, you’ve got your work set out for you.

The board you’re working with is really old (it looks like it came out in 2004) and is not well set up for using the TMC2225 driver modules. What are the electrical modifications that you have made so far (to the board and the stepper motor driver modules)?

It looks like, to me, that you need to break the connection between pins 5 & 6 on the driver module socket and then jumper from your unused pins to the UART pin on the driver module (ideally Pin4) and then use the switches on MS1 and MS2 to specify what is the serial address of the device in the socket.

Depending on what you’ve done, the recommendation that you get may be to buy a new main controller board.

I’ve really done nothing electrically. I used jumper wires from pin 4 which has a pin sticking upwards to the available pins. If it requires a lot of work on the board, I’ll just skip it and use them in standalone mode.

Yes I mean UART mode sorry.

by breaking the connection, do you mean clip the pin going down into the socket? Would that work? Are the pins I used Ok? If its just a matter of clipping or bending those leads out of the way to break the connection, then doing the jumpers as I have already done. Maybe it’s doable.

Probably the easiest way of doing things is to clip the pins going into the main controller board and use the extended headers coming out of the top of the stepper motor driver modules.

Before you do that - have you looked at the schematic for the stepper motor driver modules (as well as the TMC2225 datasheet) to make sure you understand what you’re doing?

I read through the linked instruction document for the TMC2225. I think I know the basics.

I have working TMC drivers in my other printer.

So what do you need from me?

Guides like:

might give you an idea. I have never tried such hacks (nor will I ever do so, as a proper board can be bought at 20 USD onwards).

You are totally right Sineos. Especially since I already have the drivers and pie. to complete the board. I’ll go that rout.

Thanks for the help Sinos and mykepredko

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