Toolhead designs - show and tell

@hcet14 refers to the new/upcoming version that has such a long cable you can route along the other print head cables down to the electronics compartment.
There is now even a load cell feature available with the latest firmware

Just saw your ticket on github regarding the aluminum bed support.

@HellaFella42 you can even put an inductive probe right next to the hotend/nozzle:

If it was not for on the fly bed mesh and testing purpose I would still use that 8 mm inductive probe (SupCRprobe 8mm BlackEdition - magnetfeste und temperaturstabile Z-Sonde fĂĽr 3D-Drucker). Should be a Pepperl&Fuchs probe or something like that.

Now the BD sensor sits just under the inductive probes place where the screw hole is.
At least this now only has an Y offset though @Sineos wrote it would be best practice to share the same X axis.

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I’ve got mine right behind the nozzle in my Stealthburner print head. Having one less offset to worry about (x axis) is a nice bonus.


Since we’re showing off, I put the inductive sensor right behind the nozzle (the 5015 blower fan is the front of the toolhead):


@LifeOfBrian and @mykepredko

What fan duct, extruder, and hot end are you using? Looks interesting.

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I’m using my own print head design:

Original fan duct is listed in the details page.

As seen in the design it uses an Orbiter v2 as most of my printers do.
The hotend is now changed to a TriangleLab Dragon Ace with redesigned mount for the print head:

All in all I think this is currently a big step forward for this printer including the BD sensor.
Hotend can properly extrude more than 23 mmÂł/s of PLA with a 0.4 nozzle and is still quite small.

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Thanks for the quick reply.
One question, I couldn’t find the weight. It might be good to add that on thingiverse.

Hmm that depends on the used filament and components.
I think there are lighter print heads but it is not made for the speed boat race. :smiley:
It is quite sturdy and printed with PET-CF/ASA-CF.


You didn’t have a chance to put it on a scale before using?

Like @LifeOfBrian it’s a custom toolhead design for mounting on a MGN12 Rail. The goal is for it to be used on my custom CoreXY as well a Stealth/Afterburner replacement for my Voron. So far, it’s been used as an experimental mount for different parts to find the best ones for my printers.

I’m using it on two of my printers right now.

It’s designed for a Mk 3 hot end and I’ve been playing around with a few different versions (the original CAD drawing above as well as the images at the top here show one with a REVO 6 while the one at the bottom shows a Dragon hot end).

It’s also designed to be used to test different extruders. Right now, the design can take Papilio Lite (above) or an orbiter. I’m not delighted with either one as the orbiter overheats (a problem reported by others) and the Papilio Lite wears out after a thousand hours or so of operation. I want to find some time to put in a traditional NEMA 17 based extruder.

Three things I do like about the design:

  1. The hot end wiring all comes up through the back, out of sight, to an EBB42, although I think I can do better with the EBB42 mount:

  1. Using a 5015 fan is great. Lots of air (probably too much which is a nice problem to have).

  2. Finally, and most relevant to this conversation, I designed the toolhead to have a jig mounted on the duct screw heat insert nuts to allow me to precisely position the inductive sensor. As I said above, the 8mm sensors only have a 2mm detection range so, with the jig, I can quickly and easily position the bottom of the inductive sensor 0.75mm above the bottom of the nozzle.

At sometime I’ll publish the design when I’m really happy with it. I need a better duct for a traditional heatsink; the Revo 6 duct is great and provides even air flow at the nozzle tip, for traditional hot ends, I have one that provides air from the two sides, but I would like to design something that fits closer with air coming from two dimensions:

Sorry for blathering on here.


I saw @hcet asking about weight - this toolhead, with the Papilio Lite Extruder and REVO 6 has a weight of 340 grams. The Orbiter version weighs a bit more. This is printing with ABS with 40% infill.


Thanks a bunch for sharing!

Have you ever thought about a Bondtech LGX Lite V2 Large Gears eXtruder w/ 36mm round stepper motor?

But it only supports 1.75 mm size filament!

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Since we have some unused topics left, I donated one to this discussion. Use it wisely :slight_smile:


No, but with the Papilio Lite and the Orbiter I’m a bit soured on 36mm steppers right now. I may take a look after I try a 42mm stepper and a traditional dual drive extruder.

How many people are not using 1.75mm filament? I know it’s not zero but I’ve never gotten a good idea as to what is the percentage of the 3D printer community that uses 2.85mm (as being different from 3mm).

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I’m still working on a tronxy400pro that came with a broken marlin and has never printed anything. So I’m using the frame to build a better printer, I hope. I’m a fan of the 2mm prox senser and the hotend molding I’m using has a central hot end fan, so I printed an 11mm thick copy of a fan w/o the fan, just a frame with an 8mm hole centered top and bottom so the cooling air for the trident sorta e3v6 clone but with the new round heater and the one piece nozzle/heat break. I’m also using that on an E5P, that I can get a pix of. Both have or will have a CF tube as the X bar, with a 9mm linear rail on both the top and bottom of the tube for the utimate stiffness. That white fan molding has ears on the rear with a clamp bolt, which is also bolted to the carriage in addition to the std neck mount of the e3v6 clone. the green bar across the top of the fan is carrying a KUSBA.
I haven’t gotten that far on the tronxy as I am redoing the belt paths, which with the original and heavy as hell steel parts, so the belts run much closer to square than the tron parts gave. New Y carriages are growing on an X-MAX3 QIDI printer as I write this. The XY motors on both are the slightly longer hanpose closedloop stepper servo’s, little brothers to a half dozen I am using on my bigger lathe and 2 milling machines in the garage. Layer shifts will be a thing only remembered. ALL of these have optical motor encoders, no shingled appearance ever.

Updated, unforch printed in PETG, the white piece warped rapidly, dragging on the print. Same carriage wrapped around the 20x20 cf tube, now has a team one extruder rated to 500C, and a $19 new style hotend clone, rated to 300C with a 5015 mounted in front at a 45 degree angle feeding an early clone of a mk3s part cooler shoe printed in PC, which gives enough clearance around the hot end that the duct has not yet warped. So far, the only problem is nozzle leakage. With a 1kw 36 volt for bed heater, prints anything including PC so far. More pix of this Ender5 plus rebuild in the “I made a thing” channel.

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Well, I guess this is the right Place to share my latest project:

I built a Toolhead PCB (initially for Voron Stealthburner) which has USB-C PD compliance and gets Data and Power over a single USB-C Cable:


Love what you have going on here. Any chance you could help with something similar for me? Please DM if you’re interested


unfortunately If its more than “I have a Schematic and I need a review” or something similar I have to say no.

You can message me If its something like that, no problem :slight_smile:

  • cad435

Ok, thanks anyway.
I’ll post a [Hiring] on Reddit.

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