Probe z axis issue

Printer Model: ender 3 pro
MCU / Printerboard: skr 1.4 turbo, tmc2209
klippy (1).log (1.1 MB)

Hello i am having an issue with my z axis probe. I try to make a bed mesh and after i home all axis i go to tune tab in fluidd and start calibrate. the printhead goes to first point and lowers z until triggering the probe as it should normally do. Then normally it should probe the same point once more before moving to the next one by raising Z then lowering the probe’s pin and lowering Z again. I see that Z doesnt move up enough for the probe to be able to extend fully so even if it goes down the probe is still read as triggered. Then the probing fails and i get a message that it wasnt able to be deployed. Is there any setting to allow me to adjust how much the printhead moves up between probing?


You may set

#sample_retract_dist: 2.0
#   The distance (in mm) to lift the toolhead between each sample (if
#   sampling more than once). The default is 2mm.

with a value larger than 2 in [bltouch]

BTW: Nice neat config. A joy to see.

since my z_offset is 15 mm should i go higher than that?


3 or 4 mm should be enough. Just as much the BLtouch can deploy again plus one mm more.

ok now it raises enough between 2 probings at the same point but after probing twice on one point it doesnt raise enough when going to next one for the first probing. any ideas?

You may then increase horizontal_move_z in

speed = 100
horizontal_move_z = 5.0                 # <------
mesh_min = 0,0
mesh_max = 235,235
probe_count = 3
fade_start = 1.0
fade_end = 10.0

It works like a charm now. Thanks for the help

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