Ubuntu 24.04 Support

Does Klipper have support for Ubuntu 24.04?

Pretty sure I flashed my new creality v4.2.7 board correctly, but unable to find it via ls /dev/serial/by-id/* command. Dmesg command also does not recognize the printer. So, im wondering if anyone has gotten Klipper working for Ubuntu 24.04 lts.

Edit: Also KIAUH did not prompt me to add user group. Is there a way to check and make sure this isnt an issue?

Unfortunately, Klipper is not fully compatible with Python 3.12, which is the default for Ubuntu 24.04.
If you are not familiar with Linux and fixing things on the command line, I would currently not recommend using it. Instead, consider using Debian Bookworm. It makes no noticeable difference on any level you might encounter.