Unable to obtain 'i2c_read_response' response

Basic Information:

Printer Model: FLSUN SR
MCU / Printerboard: mks robin nano v3.1
klippy (6).log (2.6 MB)

Hy, I’m trying to install a MPU6050, I already enabled i2c, modified the config.txt with the correct baudrate, connected the MPU6050 to the board with some short cables in order to verify that everythings works.
when i try ACCELEROMETER_QUERY I get this error message in the console:

!! Unable to obtain ‘i2c_read_response’ response

What should I do?

See Unable to write i2c device - #2 by Sineos and the following post.

I get this by i2cdetect
Immagine 2023-07-18 134935

UU typically means that some Kernel driver has grabbed the device.

Try rebooting and then stopping the Klipper service. Then us i2cdetect again. As long as you do not get a numeric device address there is nothing Klipper can do.

Also try disconnecting the MPU and then repeat i2cdetect. Just to make sure that this UU actually belongs to the MPU and not something else.