Fill out above information andin all cases attach yourklippy.logfile (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting yourprinter.cfgis not needed Be sure to check our “Knowledge Base” Category first. Most relevant items, e.g. error messages, are covered there
Describe your issue:
I’m building a Voron for the first and have been stuck with this problem for quite a while now. I am building a Magic Phoenix voron 2.4 kit, and I think I’m running into an issue listed above or the MCU ‘mcu’ shutdown: ADC out of range message. I am using the Phaetus Rapido Plus 2 Hotend with the 104NT-4 not the PT1000.
I have tried numerous fixes mentioned in other post and forums with no luck. I have also and checked wiring for disconnects. I have attached a klippy log and printer.cfg file. If there are any recommendations a would greatly appreciate it. klippy (9).log (5.5 MB) printer (2).cfg (9.9 KB)
The 104NT has the smaller connector to connect with the Ebb, so I’m unable to connect directly to mainboard. I have purchased a back up 104NT thinking it could possibly be the problem. When connecting it to the Ebb I receive the same message.
I think the trouble is actually that you have declared 2 time the temperature_sensor EBB_NTC PA2 and you have 2 sensor_type into the extruder section
look at your config on line :
Try commenting the first occurence :
And then remove the double occurence in the [extruder] section, by commenting the MAX31865 section (see picture)
You have 2 type of sensor_type declared into the extruder section
Thanks, once removing those 2 instances it appeared to work with values shown for the various thermistors. Then the MCU ‘mcu’ shutdown: ADC out of range message returned. klippy.log (5.3 MB) printer.cfg (9.9 KB)
You’re chasing the wrong thing here. Your extruder and EBB temps are reading fine. Your bed, build plate, and chamber sensors are all reading around -80 degrees. This implies you don’t have those sensors plugged in, or the wrong pins are defined for those sensors.
I agree I think there are few problems contributing, thanks for the insight. I am also using the MPX Voron Full-size Bed Heater with the integrated NTC100K B3950 thermistor. I believe in the print cfg it is set to generic 3950 for senser type. Would that be part of the problem? I also don’t think a have a chamber temp sensor set up and have attempted to run with that section #.