X and Y endstops are triggering ok, connected to the right ports but endstop X acts on Y movement and vice versa

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Tronxy X5SA pro
MCU / Printerboard: MKS Monster 8 V 2 + MKS PI V1.1
klippy.zip (118.1 KB)

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file (use zip to compress it, if too big). Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
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Describe your issue:

Revamping a Tronxy X5SA pro with a MKS monster 8 v2 + mks pi v1.1. I intend to use the stock inductive ABL (blue one).
First time playing with Klipper, seems that everything is wired properly. Klipper configuration checks done, endstops reacting ok, motors going to the right direction, but I couldnt home all so far due to issues Im fixing.
The issue im stuck into is the endstops are ok, connected to the right pins, but the endstop X acts stopping the Y movement and vice versa.
Any idea? Thank you for your support.

In case you want to take a looks at the pins → MKS-Monster8/hardware/MKS Monster8 V2.0_002/MKS Monster8 V2.0_002 PIN.pdf at main · makerbase-mks/MKS-Monster8 · GitHub

News from my side. I could simulate a homing X and Y pressing the inverted end stops by hand, so no I can command movements to X and Y. It happens that if I press X to move right on fluidd gui, the printhead is moving back, definitely X and Y are inverted, but how? I have followed the right (i supose) pin map, any ideas?

You are genius, just posting here and my brain starts working. Using these information I could configure the motors and end stops right. Thanks.
1- Initial Startup | Voron Documentation
2- Understanding X and Y Axes Limits and Homing

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