X Y Mixup, Help Request

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Creality Ender 6
MCU / Printerboard: BTT Manta M8P with CB1
klippy(2).log (2.1 MB)

I have just replaced the MoBo in my Creality Ender 6 (core XY) with a BTT Manta M8P with CB1 – a bit overkill for my current configuration but I plan to expand in future.

This is my first venture into Klipper so I’m probably lacking some basic understanding of it. I have been 3D printing for several years but using Marlin on both my Ender 3 and Ender 5 Plus.

I assume the origin position is when all axis are homed and limit switches have been activated?

My problem is (sorry – bit of a saga here);

The hot end and bed heat as expected, I have no display connected. I’ve tried to keep everything as basic as possible to then build on once I get each part functioning correctly.

The pin connections for the printer.cfg file I got from the BTT manual for the Manta M8P and checked against similar configuration reference files from klipper3d.org

From within Mainsail Dashboard when I clicked ‘Home X’ , Y moved +ve (towards me), but the X limit switch when manually activated correctly stops travel

And, when I click ‘Home Y’ , X moves -ve, (right), although the Y limit switch when manually activated correctly stops travel

The X axis limit is located on the right side and the Y is located at the rear.

I am using M1 for X, M2 for Y, M4 for single Z and M5 for E0 all as UART with TMC2209.

I tried reversing the X and Y stepper motor connections at the MoBo and the same thing happened, so I tried the following;

The X and Y end stop switches are functioning correctly, and Z moves in the right direction when homed (although yet to set up the CR touch) – thought I should check everything else works correctly first.

My next step was modify the X dir_pin: to !PB4, this solved the XY mixup. Y now moves in the right direction, but now X moves in the wrong direction.

Not really sure where to go from here – I tried adding ! to the Y dir_pin too but that just bought the problem back.

I’m of the assumption that I have to change the wiring in one (or both) of the X, Y cables. Or is it another ! to be added to the printer.cfg file, but I haven’t a clue which or where to. Any help would be greatly appreciated please.

As you already correctly put down in your config, the Ender 6 has a corexy kinematic. This can be tricky when it comes to correct movement.
The Voron community has a nice explanation for this. See Initial Startup | Voron Documentation

Many thanks Sineos, I’ll take a look

Hi Sineos - your link solved the issue - many thanks.
By swapping the X & Y cables at the board solved the issue, annoyingly I had tried this but not after adding the ! X stepper config, I had dismissed it as being pointless. Obviously I was thinking in line with typical cartesian printer not core XY
No doubt I will have further questions but this get me underway.
Thanks again

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