Thanks… But reading the documentation leaves me more confused than ever. As mentioned I have set my bed level. I am happy with that.
But I need to set the Z Off Set every time and need to know Where.
I don’t follow exactly what you need here. You say you have SET_GCODE_OFFSET in your printer.cfg, but it’s not a configuration option. Is it in a start gcode macro? Either way, it’s better to calibrate your probe rather than using a gcode offset.
If you home your printer with your bltouch, then you need to adjust the z_offset for your bltouch to permanently change the location of Z0. In the bltouch code snip you posted z_offset is commented out. I assume this is because you ran PROBE_CALIBRATE, and Klipper has added a SAVE_CONFIG section at the bottom with the current z_offset value. If this is true, you need to adjust that value. If you need to move the nozzle closer to the bed, you need to increase the z_offset by 1.1mm if that’s how far down you need the nozzle.
As mentioned I have set my bed manually. I don’t use the BLTouch at all. It was fun at the beginning but ended up being just too messy and time consuming.
I have always handled my bed level calibration using the paper method so I am happy with that.
So - knowing that I have to put in an offset to total Z= -2.2 (existing -1.09 + -1.1)
So where can I set this so that it will always happen.