Artillery sidewinder x1 problem with printer config?

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Artillery Sidewinder x1
MCU / Printerboard: Original MKS Gen L v1.0, BLTouch Waggster mod
klippy.log (1.1 MB)

Describe your issue:

…Having a disaster of a time getting Klipper set up on my Sidewinder X1. Have tried multiple config files and adjusted parameters and still printer head begins to violently shake back and forth on X axis with a loud grinding noise when home button is pressed. Unable to get the toolhead controls functional other than home buttons. Any help is appreciated since I am just trying out klipper and failing miserably! Thank you in advance for your time and help!

Hello @dvm2003 !

Check if the endstops are assigned to the correct pins:

In all, you may walk through all the points:

I did check the endstops and they seemed to be working fine. I checked the stepper motors and the extruder motor. Thanks for trying to help!

There is this in the logs:

No trigger on x after full movement

Check if the endstop can be triggered by the printhead.
Does the printhead move towards the printhead when homing.