I did a bit of digging in the marlin config. The board seems to be compatible with robin nano v2. The marlin pins config for this board defines PD5/PD7/PD4/PD9 as tmc uart_pin for X/Y/Z/E. This is quite different to PA5/PC13/PC7/PA9 defined in nehilo’s config that you’re probably using. Consider opening an issue on this repository. The comment section of the Kingroon article linking to that repository is filled with people having the same issue.
Edit: I was mislead by Marlin that can’t be arsed to correctly name their KP5L config “full DIY version”.
KP5L board doesn’t support tmc uart communication. Just comment the include as explained bellow:
Alternatively you can remove the [include tmc.cfg]
line from printer.cfg
: this will use the drivers in standalone mode, but you’ll be stuck with their default configuration which can be inconvenient if it includes stealthchop.