Clearing the task list

When printing from a slicer, the list saves jobs. Over time, they accumulate. Deleting them one by one is very inconvenient.
Two buttons are needed. A button for completely clearing the list and a button for deleting selected items.

Hello @sergius22 !

A task list in the frontend?

(post deleted by author)

Something like this

Why are my posts hidden?
Why is the topic I opened hidden?

The Forum-AI falsely identified your deleted posts as spam.

When you write wrong, you can edit a post.

Also, please upload your data here. Please no (more) file servers. I’m denied to that google link.

This is not a Klipper feature but relates to Moonraker, respectively the used web-interfaces like mainsail or fluidd.

At least mainsail allows to delete the history in: Settings → Reset → History stats

Well, OK. I’m new to both 3D printing and Clipper. You know better how the system works. Please move this thread to the correct section. I still want the buttons.