CoreXY + dual Carriage X

Hi. I have created a CoreXY printer configuration and I want to make a DualCarriage on it. I did the whole mechanical part. But when creating the code, Clipper discovered that the [DualCarriage] parameter does not support CoreXY kinematics.
Why is it impossible to support this function?
In my opinion, the mechanical part can be implemented on 3 pcs. motors. I tried to show it all in the picture. I made it so that three belts do not interfere with move
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Is it possible to expect DualCarriage support for CoreXY kinematics printer?

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Klipper doesn’t support dual extruders with CoreXY kinematics.

Looking at the documentation, it is available for Cartesian printers:

I thought I saw a reference to Klipper running an IDEX printer with Hybrid CoreXY kinematics - does anybody have a reference to that?

To move the X-axes that carries both carriages 1 and 2 in only the Y direction, you always have to to use stepper A and B.,vid:_ramiM3KHYE

Yes, I plan to use:

  1. To move carriage 1 on the X axis:
    Rotation of motor A and motor B in the same direction.
    Motor C will stand without rotation.
  2. To move carriage 1 along the Y axis:
    Rotation of motor A and motor B in the other direction.
    The motor will rotate in the same direction as motor A.
  3. To move the carriage 1 and 2 in one direction along the X axis: Rotation of motor A and motor B in the same direction.
    Motor C will rotate in the same direction as motor A.
  4. To move the carriage 1 and 2 in different directions along the X axis:
    Rotation of motor A and motor B in the same direction.
    Motor C will rotate in the other direction

That is, carriage 1 and carriage 2 are independent only by the movement of the X axis.

For such kinematics, only 3 motors are needed (motor A, motor B, motor C).

Motor C, depending on the scenario, works in tandem with motor A (when both carriages need to move along the Y axis) or separately from motor A (when the carriages need to move independently along the X axis).

How is it possible to do this?

(I’m sorry for my English, I’m from Russia)

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You may have a look on this:

I haven’t found a solution

:slight_smile: i, maybe it would work with the upcoming new generic_cartesian kinematics:

test kinematics: generic_cartesian by Dmitry Butyugin