Corexy printer, z won't move after initial home

Okay, I have gone through everything I can think of to help my friend troubleshoot is Core X Y conversion to Klipper…

If somebody can tell me how to do it, I will attach the config file and the klippy log (edit… figured it out…)

Here’s the problem we are having… Z axis will move properly to trigger the bltouch the first time, but then will not lower the bed to allow the sensor to deploy the second time.

By doing a manual trigger of the probe, we can get the printer to think it’s at zero, but then it will not accept any commands for moving up or down. It does not throw any errors oh, it just does not move.

It is a hypercube build corexy running on an SKR 1.4 TURBO with TMC2209 steppers.

Thanks in advance!
printer (1).cfg (8.0 KB)
klippy.log (3.2 MB)

As far as I can remember, the hypercube uses a lead screw for the Z axis. If that’s true, the rotation_distance for the Z axis needs to match the pitch of the lead screw. That means it should be either 2 or 8. It looks like you changed the rotation_distance to a bunch of weird values, none of which are correct. You also need to reduce max_z_velocity to a sane value. You started at 25, but ended at 250. For a lead screw driven Z axis, 10 is a good place to start.

Also note that the rotation_distance for X and Y need to match your hardware. For common 20 tooth pulleys, the rotation distance should be 40.

And finally you mentioned that you’re using 2209 drivers, but you’ve configured the Z axis and the extruder for 2208 drivers. X and Y are both configured for 2209 drivers. Are you really mixing, or is that a mistake in the config?

That was set via a calibration process to get 20mm of movement given a 20mm input.

I’ll have him try reducing the value to 8, but why would it move correctly to home, but then not move after?

I had him fix that after I had him send the printer.cfg file (but it had no effect, not surprisingly :wink: )

Thanks for your help, I’ll report back after having him change rotation distance and max_velocity

Rotation_distance is a value that describes the hardware you’re using. It’s strongly recommended not to “calibrate” that value. It will lead to confusing results.

Compounding errors of incorrect rotation_distance and incorrect max Z velocities likely created weird results. It’s possible the axis was moving, but the move was so much shorter than expected that it didn’t appear to be moving. With a rotation_distance of 60, the Z axis would move at about 13% of the commanded speed and distance. So telling the printer to move 5mm would actually only move 0.67mm.

GOT IT! Thanks for your help!

Now, when he homes, it homes correctly, but after homing, the z moves in the opposite direction. I think I may have seen a discussion with that issue here, but do you have a quick solution for that?

Is he issuing gcode commands to move the axis, or clicking buttons in a web frontend like Octoprint or Mainsail? If he’s clicking buttons the axis could be moving in the correct direction, just the opposite of the way he thinks it should move.

Yup… Inverted the Z control in Fluidd, and works perfectly now :slight_smile:

Thanks one more time!

Now to start searching for MY problems… My bltouch is behind my x gantry, and is 77mm behind the nozzle, and 10mm to the left (when looking at it at the front)… I have the offset set correctly (I think), but when it homes, it puts the nozzle in the middle of the bed, not the probe… then it gives me a “move out of range” error, trying to move the y axis to -55mm… :confused:

sensor_pin: ^P1.27
control_pin: P2.0
x_offset: -10
y_offset: 77
#z_offset: 0.101
set_output_mode: 5V
samples: 2
sample_retract_dist: 10
samples_tolerance_retries: 3

home_xy_position: 100,130
z_hop: 10 # Move up
z_hop_speed: 5


speed: 80
horizontal_move_z: 5
mesh_min: 22,22
mesh_max: 190,255
probe_count: 4,4
algorithm: bicubic

I’m on a cartesian printer (redone Tevo Tarantula) with an SKR 1.4 Turbo as well…

Please start a new thread and post a log. It becomes confusing when talking about different printers with different hardware.

figured as much, sorry :wink: