"Correct" rotation_distance value results in "wavy" surface and the "wrong" one doesn't

I recently installed Klipper on my Raspberry Pi 4 and my Neptune 3 Pro seems to be ok with that, but is there any explanation for the following: with rotation_distance 6.9 (default value here) I’m extruding 111.55 mm. With rotation_distance 7.61 I’m extruding 100.1 mm (fine) but at the same time get “waves” with 7.61 and no “waves” (smooth surface) at all at 6.9?

Several measurements (~20 already) tell me, that this number (6.9) is not correct (I’m extruding more than 100 mm). The “correct” rotation_distance value (7.61) results in almost perfect 100 mm, but also in “waves” (see the photo). I already checked if it might have something to do with the input shaper (turned on by default with default values), but turning it off changes nothing.

It kind of doesn’t make any sense to me. I also already replaced the “heavy” Hero Me shroud with dual 5015 fans with the stock one — no changes.

Update: “Correct” rotation_distance (7.61) + input shaper turned off + 0.2 mm layer height result in a smooth surface as well.

Update 2: Slowing down the 0.12 mm print (by default it’s 70 mm/s for 0.12 mm layers and 60 mm/s for 0.2 mm layers) also changes nothing.

klippy.log (537.6 KB)

did you tune pressure advance? kind of reminds me of an issue with that

If I understand it correctly, before tuning pressure advance (it’s now off) I have to tune E-steps.

well you have to tune your rotation distance, which behaves inversely of E steps in Marlin i.e. a higher number makes it turn less now lower.

I just recall having a PA issue like this on my reborn 2 so I thought it was that

As already mentioned, I tuned it (rotation_distance 7.61 results in almost perfect 100 mm after G1 E100 F60) .

The only thing I can think of is that it’s something with your extruder or motion system if your rotation distance is correct. try a relatively square print, maybe in vase mode even, if you notice this still then it’s your hotend setup

The “funny” thing is: I had no issues of this kind at all running the (exact) same filament/speed/layer height on Marlin. Here is my very first benchy (0.12 mm layer height, Z-offset, E-steps and PID tuned, but nothing else):

you do seem to have some Z banding with Marlin… Yeah, only thing I can think of is that maybe you’re under-extruding on the walls. I can’t tell if it’s doing that on the upper part of the boat, which is why I asked for a square print. Because I have heard someone managed to tune their printer well enough to pick up the full resolution of an STL with Klipper

My build plate was quite wobbly at this time.

The “squarest” print I have is this calibration cube telling me that I have to reduce my flow to 80% even if almost everyone else tells me, that I’m underextruding.

Sorry, not the same camera, just my phone, “the big one” is charging.

Update 3 I’m printing a Benchy with 120% flow rate now at 0.12 mm and there are no signs of “waves” yet. But this compensation (+20%) is massive, isn’t it?

Here is the same cube from the top:

Well, it’s nothing to be proud of, but it’s certainly much better than anything I had after installing Klipper. These tiny “blobs” are clearly not the Z-seam btw. They could be caused by Cura, as described here.

0.12 mm layers, 200°C/60°C, flow 120%

I wouldn’t necessarily describe the darker end of the PTFE tube as “clogged”, but it’s… darker.

I wouldn’t use it for printing anymore…

It already got too hot.

Printed PETG with it?

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Yes, I did. Also already replaced this one.

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A small triumph! 0.12 mm layer height, 100% flow and… no “waves”! Thanks to Thomas James Henthorne’s suggestion here to check the PTFE tube!

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