Extruder calibration


This is my 3th install of klipper since maybe 3 or 4 year and I think I know how to configure printer.cfg now.
Since saturday and when I have a little moment, I try to calibrate my extruder with this:


I beleive that’s the 10th attempt and when after set rotation distance I can’t extrude the correct lenght.
When I use the command G1 E50 F60 before and after set the parameter only 20mm of filament is extrude.

This is the last parameter I need to set, BLTouch ok, bed mesh ok, screw tilt calculate ok, macro ok.

Have you an idea?

My first guess would be is that your math is wrong but you haven’t provided enough information to determine exactly what’s going on.

When you created this post, you were given instructions to provide the printer type, main controller board type, host and, most importantly your klippy.log.


Wonderfull, the calcul for Marlin and Duet is the same but for Klipper is different.
