Creality CR10 v3 firmware issue *Wait for identify_response*

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Creality CR10 v3
MCU / Printerboard: ATmega2560 / Creality v2.5.2
klippy.log klippy (7).log (164.7 KB)

I’ve been using klipper already for many years on many different printers. I’ve just got a CR10 v3 to upgrade the firmware to klipper and I was able to build the correct firmware, and flash it to the MCU without any issue. Then the printer started, I was able to perform a homing. Then I’ve performed a firmware restart and the printer is not available anymore.
I have linux and klipper knowledge so I’ve tried to figure out what happened. Checked the connection to the MCU, read the memory with J-Tag and everything seems fine. I also tried with all the restart methods in the printer config without any luck.
Please help me out what can I do now. Thanks a lot.

serial = /dev/serial/by-path/pci-0000:00:14.0-usb-0:4:1.0-port0
restart_method = arduino

Are you sure about the colons (:) in the path/filename?

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Yes, it is. As I mentioned the printer worked till the 1st restart with the current config. But thanks for the help.