CR10S V2.2 board

Basic Information:

Printer Model: CR10S
MCU / Printerboard: Creality V2.2 Board

Describe your issue:

…So I flashed my board but when I do the LCD screen will go blank with no display. am I doing something wrong?

You should attach the klippy.log as requested!
Otherwise nobody can help you in an effective way.

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Yea I’m at work right now. I’ll do it once I get home. sorry

Sorry for the delay.
Here’s the log for my CR10s.
klippy.log (42.5 KB)

Pics of my board and chip for reference.

Some strange stuff is happening when I flash it with Klipper fimware:
Micro-Controller: Atmega AVR
Processor Model: atmega2560
It seems to flash fine but when I look at the screen it looks normalish…

Octoprint can’t connect to the printer via any port or coms.

But after I power cycle the board the screen goes blank.

Once I flash back to the original Creality firmware the screen and board work normally but with out klipper of course.

That is normal. The host (RasPi etc) has to establish a new connection to the client (printer)

For further information:

I understand that. but the issue is that when the screen goes blank Octopi can’t connect to the printer when it’s flashed with Klipper firmware.

Already tried Restart Firmware?

how does one do a Restart Firmware? other than power cycle the board?

also how can I restart the firmware when octoprint cant even connect to the printer once on Klipper frimware?

Sorry for the delay.

Restart firmware restarts Klipper on the Pi on the first hand. And then it retries to connect to the printer.


Sometimes the USB port stucks, then you have to restart the Pi.

— But never by power cycling it !! – Sooner or later it will crash the SD card on the Pi.

Always use Reboot System:
