Define Pin when Z moving down while probing

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Mingda Magician X
MCU / Printerboard: Bigtreetech SKR3 ez

I’m a relative newbie with klipper.
My Original Board from my Mingda Magician X died and i installed a Bigtreetech SKR3 EZ Board.
As Controller i use a Creality Sonic Pad and configured the printer so far to work…
The Magician X uses a Piezo or Piezo-like Probe with a mcu that have two signal connectors.
One Signal Pin that switches from high to low when the probe is touching.
And one Pin for tare the probe.

The problem is that the probe switches when moving or vibrates.
So i need to have the tare signal while the hotend is moving.

My question:

Is it possible to set a specific pin for a specific time when the z-axis is moving down while probing/meshing the bed?

Thanks in advance!

I do not think it is possible. MAYBE you could define your tare pin as a heater pin and look into homing_heaters

Thank you for your answer!
That’s a good idea, but i think with this funktion the pin will enabled/disabled for the whole probing?
I need the signal only for a short moment before touching the bed…
I will give it a try.

is it possible to define a LED pin when moving z axis?

I am not familiar with the Mingda Magician printer or the term “Tare” in connection with ABL sensors, but I do know that piezo sensors are so sensitive that it is necessary to disable probe sensing until the mechanical vibrations from the X and/or Y movement has died down. This is typically done in Repetier or Marlin by having a period of about 1/2 a second between the XY movement and Z probe movement.
Edit: I have just looked at some reviews of the Magician X and the sensor is a strain gauge on the extruder mounting. The same applies to a strain gauge as a piezo probe though.

I found a solution that works fine for me.
I set a output pin and added a macro.

Thanks for all you ideas!
Greetings Frank

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Nice solution :+1:
It would be great if you can post it with a meaningful title in the “Config” section and also use the “Code formatting” grafik function to provide a proper code block for other users. Thanks in advance.

I hope it can help someone else!

A post was split to a new topic: Pinout of ribbon cables