Dudes about ZTilt

I have a CoreXY printer with 3 motors on the Z axis, and like Zprobe, a clone BlTouch
It is a doubt that I have always had about the Z_Tilt function, after doing Homing, when you execute this function the print head goes to the points specified in the configuration, checks its height, and adjusts the level of the bed, until it is within the specified margins.

I think I have read that the choice of these points is important, and that they must be close to the Z leadscrews.
But, in the coordinates of those points, should the drift of the Zprobe with respect to the nozzle be taken into account? Or since these data are already in another section of the configuration, the printer already takes it into account?

For example, suppose my Zprobe is X=-20mm and Y=+5mm, from the center of the extrusion. When I set the coordinates for the Z Tilt, the example of 1 point (x=200, y=5)… for that point:
A- The print head moves to (X=200, Y=5), then the point considered for the ZTilt is (X=180, Y=10)
B- The spindle moves to the point (X=220,Y=-5), then the point considered for ZTilt is (X=200,Y=-5). Because point Y would be outside the limits of the printer bed.

From the [z_tilt] reference:


A list of X, Y coordinates … describing the location of each bed “pivot point”. The “pivot point” is the point where the bed attaches to the given Z stepper. It is described using nozzle coordinates (the X, Y position of the nozzle if it could move directly above the point).


A list of X, Y coordinates … that should be probed during a Z_TILT_ADJUST command. Specify coordinates of the nozzle and be sure the probe is above the bed at the given nozzle coordinates.

The points param description references the nozzle/probe offset.