This printer has a 400x400 bed and the Z and Z1 lead screws are 68mm off the edge of the bed on the X and centered on the Y axis.
When performing Z_TILT_ADJUST, Klipper uses nozzle-coordinates and not probe-coordinates resulting in the nozzle being moved to the configured points 100,200 and 300,200 but actually probing the point 64.5,190 and 264.5,190. Is this expected behavior?
Interestingly, BED_MESH_CALIBRATE does use the probe offsets when generating the mesh.
My probe and tilt config below:
sensor_pin: PB2
control_pin: PB1
samples: 3
samples_result: median
speed: 2
x_offset: -38.5
y_offset: -10.0
z_offset: 0
speed: 100
horizontal_move_z: 10
retries: 20
retry_tolerance: 0.01