Dudes of sense_resistor

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Ratrig Vcore 3.1
MCU / Printerboard: Octopus Pro + SHT42

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file. Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed

Describe your issue:


its not a issue… this time

What is the default value of:

[tmc2209 extruder]/sense_resistor

If not specified…
I ask because in Ratrig’s Klipper configuration/customization, the value of ([tmc2209 extruder]/sense_resistor) is not defined. But in some, not all SHT42 configurations that i have see, it is defined as sense_resistor: 0.11.

Until now, I had nothing defined for the SHT42, which controls the extruder motor… and it gets very hot, more than 100 degrees.

The question is if this parameter, [tmc2209 extruder]/sense_resistor), may have to do with this excess temperature, because I tried to lower the current to 0.50, which is not a very high value from what I have seen.

Also ask, I ask, to see if that default value coincides with the one that Octopus Pro has for the motor drivers. Since in the “factory” configuration, nothing is specified for that parameter.

Should I specify it?
Depends on the driver? (All tmc2209 use sense_resistor:0.11?)

klippy.log (2.9 MB)

See Hold_current and run_current -- TMC2209 - #5 by Sineos
See Configuration reference - Klipper documentation → the default is 0.11 if not specified otherwise.