Ender 6 skr mini v3 config for stock ender 6

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[/DELETE_ME_AFTER_READING] cant seem to get this working was wondering if anyone has a config set up already

And I’m wondering if you only rudimentary read what is in your post and clearly marked as [DELETE_ME_AFTER_READING].

sorry just trying to get this thing

Oh, then my apologies. This is of course a valid reason to completely ignore what the folks are asking for when requesting help here.

Take the SKR mini cfg as basis and add the printer specific details like endstop positions etc to it.

ive already done that but i keep trying to change dir of pin but it doesnt go to endstop or home correctly

Most likely your motor connectors are off. Ender 6 is a corexy kinematic, which can be tricky to get right with the motor direction.
See Initial Startup | Voron Documentation for an excellent explanation.