Getting Two Z_axes and one Endstop w/out Four Wires?

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Maker Select Plus (Monoprice and discontinued)
MCU / Printerboard: A64 and STM/Recore A7

klippy.log (61.2 KB)

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Describe your issue:

Am I allowed to use two wires, one endstop, and two Z_Axes w/ accompanying motors?

I do not want to use four wires or create another working endstop. Is it possible to use two wires, one endstop (mechanical), and two Z_Axes?


P.S. I will work on the klippy.log soon. Please forgive my tardiness. Okay, I added the klippy.log, made some additional ideas available, and am trying now to use Klipper to handle one endstop, two wires, two Z_Axis steppers for Z and Z1, and then make the UART available.


I think this is a limitation if anything. No issue any longer. I think the idea of having stops for each, separate motor movement should be in place. Safety is a big thing in relation to things happening that are out of the beholder’s eye.

If you don’t want to use 2 endstops, then don’t define an enstop pin for stepper_z1. It’s not required.

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Right @jakep_82 ,

Thank you. You are correct. In the [stepper_z1] header, I do not need the endstop pin(s) for the Klipper version I am using.

Thank you again.



So, the dual Z_Axes w/ a motor for each axis seems to be disturbed. It is disturbed to the point that it crashes into the bed.

I can home XYZ but not the second Z_Axis motor.

  1. Do I need a second Endstop?
  2. Do I need to wire something differently?

Is there a way to port the second Z_Axis motor to understand and obey the first Z_Axis motor w/ the endstop?


If you use one, the x axes more parallel to the bed.

When you turn off the power, due to the weight of the X axes assembly, the Z height can change on both side differently. To be sure the X axes is parallel to the bed, you use an endstop at z1.

You need an endstop switch and a free input pin on your printer board. In addition Vcc and GND.

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step_pin: ar100:PL6
dir_pin: !ar100:PE10
endstop_pin: ar100:PH6
rotation_distance: 2
microsteps: 16
position_endstop: 0.0
position_max: 177.0
homing_speed: 8.0

step_pin: ar100:PL8
dir_pin: !ar100:PE12
rotation_distance: 2
microsteps: 16

So, this will not work…

The reason I am asking is b/c of the error in mechanics. It is like my source does not understand I have one endstop to handle both Z_Axis motors.



So, I do need a second endstop but I cannot call it in the .cfg file. It tells me that it is an error.

It can work as long the X axes stays parallel to the bed.

Else you would need to run a [z_tilt] for what you need a probe. In that case you can directly home the Z axes with the probe.

Can you show me the code you try to use?

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This is it:

step_pin: ar100:PL6
dir_pin: !ar100:PE10
endstop_pin: ar100:PH6
rotation_distance: 2
microsteps: 16
position_endstop: 0.0
position_max: 177.0
homing_speed: 8.0

step_pin: ar100:PL8
dir_pin: !ar100:PE12
rotation_distance: 2
microsteps: 16

In [stepper_z1], I do not have access to putting in another stepper endstop…


No free pin on the printer board?

There are free pins available but when I put an endstop_pin: in [stepper_z1], I get errors.

It says as output, no endstop is available in [stepper_z1].


So please show the code you try to use:

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Okay. I was wrong. I am not sure how wrong I am so far but…

  1. The endstop for Z1 works but I cannot get both motors to work in tandem.
  2. I am working on the cfg file now.


P.S. I was just discussing the source in the cfg file, i.e. nothing more. I am sorry.

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@EddyMI3D ,

Okay, you were right all along. I must have been mistaken early on. The two endstops work w/ the two Z_Axis motors along w/ homing. Phew…thank you.

So, instead of just homing and raising up the gantry for the two Z_axis motors…

I typed, BY ACCIDENT, G0 Z0 Z110 thinking I could control the second Z_stepper at Z1 w/ a G0 command. Oops…


P.S. Thank you again for your knowledge.

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I learned it too, because on one of my printers I have the same setup with the Z axes.

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