Having issues using Klipper with Creator Flashforge 1/Replicator 1 Clone

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Creator Flashforge 1/Replicator 1 Clone
MCU / Printerboard: Flashforge Creator Rev B (Based on Makerbot Mightboard)

Describe your issue: I’m unable to flash the board with the information I found for the board. This is a picture of the board which says Flashforge Creator Rev B.

I tried this cfg
and got this when i tried to flash.

and this cfg with this when i tried to flash.

I’m not sure what the problem is and what i should try next. It connects fine on Octoprint and i can print with the GFX plugin in octoprint. But i can’t get it flashed to klipper.

  1. Verify what chip this board actually has
  2. With this refer to Bootloaders - Klipper documentation → Your board might not have a bootloader

Its an Atmega1280. Its on the list but im not sure what to do with that information?

Follow Bootloaders.html#atmega1280

The Replicator2 requires -b 57600 and -c stk500v1 in order to flash. Give those a try and see if you can get farther. Also add a -v to get more output.

Those results look to be the same as I was getting on my rep2 until I sorted this out.
klipper/Makefile at master · dockterj/klipper (github.com)

MightyBoardFirmware/8U2_Reset_Function_Testing.markdown at master · makerbot/MightyBoardFirmware (github.com)

I see the cfg file you pointed to has -b 57600 (but -c stk500v2) in it so most likely they are using the same 8U2 code. Pretty sure that will get you going.