How can I force an out of range movement?

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Delta
MCU / Printerboard: Arduino/RAMPS +Pi 4

Fill out above information and in all cases attach your klippy.log file. Pasting your printer.cfg is not needed
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Describe your issue: How can I force an out-of-range movement in Klipper?

The significance is that I am making a detachable Z probe for use on a Delta printer. I would like the sled to be stowed as high as I can and out of the normal printing range but within the geometrically achievable range - about X=+110mm, Y=+110mm, and Z approx 200mm. Normal G codes don’t work to get there.


See force_move and especially SET_KINEMATIC_POSITION

If it is only intended for homing you might want to use homing_override

Thank you Sineos, I will try those out, although with little hope of success. As this is a Delta printer, for FORCE_MOVE, the STEPPER=<config_name> would have the tower steppers stepper_a, etc., and not stepper_x, etc. This would make this extended G-Code difficult to use to move the effector to an X, Y, Z position. Similar problems exist with SET_KINEMATIC_POSITION and homing_override.

Any other suggestions of G-Codes or even program segments which move the Delta effector out of the printable volume (e.g., for automatic head change, automatic nozzle wipe, etc…) will be gratefully received.

For the time being, and only to progress this project, I will have the parking area for the dockable probe in a less used part of the printing volume.

On a delta printer, one can customize the print_radius setting to alter the bounds checks as described at Configuration reference - Klipper documentation . If you are interested in modifying the code, the bounds checks are enforced in klippy/kinematics/ .

Separately, it really does help if you attach a klipper log file of the error event you are receiving.


Thank you, Kevin. I will try increasing the print radius to about 150mm to see if all works as I want it to. I will also look at the code although my skills in higher-level languages are a bit laughable. Having said that, once in a long while it is obvious where to change the code - but I would be happier if it was in assembler or K&R C.

I will try to be more conscientious about attaching the Klipper log file.
