How to Z-Offset Kobra 2?

Basic Information:

Printer Model: Kobra 2 (Standard Model, Not Max, Not neo etc.)
MCU / Printerboard: IDK But i think it doesn’t really matter
Host / SBC -
klippy.log -

Klipper Log doesent matter

Describe your issue:

Not really an issue but an Question:
How can i bind my Anycubic Kobra 2 Z Offset sensor in Klipper?
I already got all the config and the printer is flashed but I don’t have the config for the z offset.
I thought this here could fit: GitHub - protoloft/klipper_z_calibration: Klipper plugin for self-calibrating z-offset
But I don’t think so. Can you help me?
(Oh yea for config and system i used How to install Klipper on Anycubic Kobra 2 - Function3D)

Take this with a large grain of salt, this is what someone else posted in a previous thread.

#inductive probe settings
pin: PA1
x_offset : 24.0
y_offset : 13.35
#z_offset: 0
samples: 3
samples_result: average
samples_tolerance_retries: 1
sample_retract_dist: 2
speed: 15
lift_speed: 8
samples_tolerance : 0.1
samples_tolerance_retries : 3

Previous thread

It says Plus/Pro/Max but I believe they all fundamentally use the same sensor.

It says inductive but the so did the Anycubic Vyper I played with it and it was strain gauge based so who knows on that.

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Thank you for your help! Since i live in germany now i have to go to bed but sometime tomorrow i will test it :slight_smile:

Checking Currently the config to make sure not to have any issues…

Nope it wont bc heater pin is A1 thats the problem…
There is also an diffrence between kobra 2 and kobra 2 max/neo/plus:
They have the new touchscreen ui and all plus including storage chip which means that its an diffrent board. I didnt want to do this but since there is not much docu over the mbo i gotta unassemble the printer will keep you updated :slight_smile:

Yeah, Unfortunately a lot of printer manufacturers don’t publish their board pinouts. Makes it hard to adapt and figure out what’s what.

Ok update: I litearlly have NO clue whatsoever with the pinout there is no markings on the board and im not some type of microsoldering expert

Going to just jot then down in order as I read them.

Used a combination of…


Which is the chip it uses

XMin Endstop: PC5
YMin Endstop: PA8
ZMin Endstop: PA8
Extruder Endstop??: PC13
Z Probe: PB8

XEnable: PC3
XDir: PA4
XStall? (Uart?): XMin (Sensorless homing I guess?)

YEnable: X Enable Pin (I guess they just tied them all together
YStep: PC4
YDir: PA7
YStall: YMin Pin
ZEnable: X Enable Pin
ZStall: ZMin

Extruder Enable: X Enable Pin
Extruder Step: PC14
Extruder Direct:PC15
Extruder Stall: Extruder Endstop

Bed Temp: PC0
Temp0: PC1
"Power Check Port": PC2 (No idea)
Power Monitor Voltage Pin: PC2 (ADC pin I guess?)

Bed Heater: PA0
Heater 1: PA1
Fan0: PB4
Fan2: PB9

Additional PWM on PA13/PA14/pb5 Doesn't say for what

If I missed anything let me know and I’ll go back and look for it

Edit: I guess the LED0 is just the LED on the heater pin, you can ignore that.

I will update you around 18:00 GMT +3 (i think)

The config from the klippy.log attached to that thread works perfectly fine for my Anycubic Kobra 2.

step_pin = PC7
dir_pin = !PC6
enable_pin = !PC3
microsteps = 16
rotation_distance = 8
endstop_pin = probe: z_virtual_endstop
position_min = -15
position_max = 250
homing_speed = 10
position_endstop = 3.500

pin = PB8
x_offset = 23
y_offset = -13.5
z_offset = 1.560

You could also home with the endstop switch in the back of your bed.
But you’ll need to configure [safe_z_home] for that method.
The switch is connected to PB12

Does the safe z home also auto level? I dont think so.

I am clearly confused here. Im seeing where you are going but i am still very confused, sorry…

(to not annoy everyone the @Charged tag is here so i only ping myself)
Also the Position_endstop is invalid says klipper :confused:

Safe Z is just what it says, the safe location on the bed to probe. Leveling is different altogether.

Any updates with getting z offset to work?

Nope, not yet

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