Is it intended to not apply probe xy_offset during QGL?

I found probe offset is not applied for QGL sequence unlike to bed besh calibration. It seems “use_xy_offsets(True)” is precluded for QGL. I checked QGL can work with offset by adding “use_xy_offsets(True)”.

I think it would be necessary at least for safety. Without a consideration of probe offset, toolhead may try to probe at out of bulild plate, which can cause serious problem to the printer.
But I also do know there wouldn’t be difference in terms of performance, so I would like to know is there any history to not applying xy_offset for QGL.

self.probe_helper = probe.ProbePointsHelper(config, self.probe_finalize)
self.probe_helper = probe.ProbePointsHelper(
            config, self.probe_finalize, self._get_adjusted_points())